
For the things of this world cannot be made without a knowledge of mathematics.

-Roger Bacon

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Isaac (Elytraflight), and I’m a current senior in high school with an early interest in STEM, especially math. In the past few years, I’ve transitioned more into mechanical engineering and aerospace, which will be my focus in college as well.

This blog started out as a generic math and science blog, but I repurposed it earlier this year to focus on engineering projects.

The current project I’ve been working on for almost a year now is the “Plane Project”: designing and building (now 3D-printing) my own fixed-wing RC aircraft, and then programming a DIY autopilot feature for it, with as little external help as possible to maximize the learning experience. I’m a novice in so many areas, but it’s the journey that counts. And that’s what you can find here–that journey.

Thanks so much for checking out my site, and happy exploring! 🙂

Latest Topics

12/22/23-12/24/23: Serial Wombat 18AB, More Parts Printing

12/22/23: Serial Wombat Soldering While the wings were finishing printing, I switched from the mechanical to the electrical engineering side of the project–the Serial Wombat. This is known as a Serial Wombat 18AB, and I have high hopes for it. Essentially it has its own intelligent timing circuit inside that can read several pulse widths…

12/21/23: Wing Printing

Winter break is here! Over the past few days, I’ve been jumping into the first difficult part of designing a 3D-printed plane: getting the wings light enough to fly. The original reason why I started over on designing the plane was to have a lighter and more simplified wing design, rather than a 36-piece screwed-together…

12/17/23: Starting Over AGAIN

I am indeed restarting from scratch on the plane for the fourth time, with entirely different design paradigms. This design has been so much simpler that I am ready to print parts already, after only about 6 hours of designing–rather than 60-ish from the previous design. Type of plane: I am going to a “float-plane”…

11/20/23-11/26/23: Plane Wing Assembled! + Holiday festivities

11/20/23: Plane wing assembly, finally This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Over Thanksgiving break, I finally got together the energy to screw together the 36-piece wing assembly! Took about three hours to put everything together. Looks beautiful in its mostly complete state. All I need to do now to finish the wings is screw on the sheet…

9/27/23-11/19/23: New Fuselage Tail, Hinge Designs

9/27/23: New Fuselage Tail, redesigning entire tail Re-CAD-ed the tail piece! The main improvement is that it is now in one piece, instead of two (improved structural stability and less wobble). Another side note: currently I am in the process of redesigning the entire tail section from scratch, planning to move the elevator servo up…

9/21/23-9/24/23: Part Printing Complete!!!, Linux Commands, Serial Wombat

9/21/23: Part Printing Complete 9/22/23: Linux commands Over the past couple of months, I noticed a strange pattern with the Octoprint instance: it seemed to be slowly and inexplicably running out of memory space. I tried deleting everything I could–all the cached print instruction files (Gcode), as well as all the stored timelapse videos and…


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The beauty of mathematics only shows itself to more patient followers.

Maryam Mirzakhani

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